Monthly Archive: September, 2013

Udev Rule-Blocking Usb Storage

GEEKS !! Here comes a very interesting tip / hack on Linux. Here is how we can block any (read any) USB storage device connecting to your Linux Box. There are couple of… Continue reading

Find Package Name using repoquery

GEEKS !! Here comes a very simple but really time saving tip related to yum. I know we all have very sharp memories, but sometimes we can forget the package name associated with… Continue reading

Minimum & Maximum UID’s

GEEKS !! Here comes a very small but relevant information about user accounts. Often asked in interviews. We all know that whenever we create user account on Linux machines during your RHCE Training… Continue reading

Useradd Command Defaults

GEEKS !! You are using useradd command since your early Red Hat Linux Training days create new user accounts on Linux machines. Using useradd command is very is simple. Just give username as its argument… Continue reading

Apache Modes

GEEKS !! You had configured Apache server during your RHCE Training and your RHCSS Training, as its a integral part of Red Hat Linux Training. I know you know Apache‬. You know the… Continue reading

Automatic Terminal Close

GEEKS !! Often while doing some sensitive configuration on your Linux servers, you need to get off for a break. Can be a coffee break or anything. At that time, if you forget to… Continue reading

RHCE Online Training

GEEKS !! Many of you wanted to join us for Red Hat Linux online training, but have doubts regarding the delivery method and clarity of concepts in online medium. So here is a… Continue reading