Monthly Archive: July, 2013

Understanding DHCP

GEEKS !! Here comes a slightly deeper dive into DHCP. I know that you know DHCP stands for “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol” and you might have learned how to configure it in RHCE… Continue reading

whereis, which and whatis

GEEKS!! Here comes a very basic but very useful stuff on ‪whereis, which and whatis commands. These are the commands you had used and learned during your RHCE Training. But learning some more tips… Continue reading

Date command

Though you have mastered the pretty simple date command during your Red Hat Training days, specially during the first module of RHCE Training. But here is a ready reference for the date command.

Apache Start Stop Signals

Video by Network NUTS. Shows and explain various types of Apache control signals that can be used to start and stop apache services, more gracefully. It also explain the relation between Apache parent… Continue reading

vim editor

GEEKS !! Welcome Monday, seems to be sarcastic.  But here comes a very small tip on vim editor or ‪vi editor on ‪Linux. You all are using vim since your early days of exploration with Linux, like… Continue reading

Working of MTA with MailScanners

I tried to create a more niche diagram. But I ended up with this. Here is a illustration of how MTA work with MailScanner and other anti-virus applications to filter and sort the… Continue reading

Pseudo Terminals

GEEKS !! Lets understand “Pseudo Terminals” in Linux. You would have used your GNOME / KDE desktop environment to open the terminal (using right click -> open terminal) or from the menu options.… Continue reading

Checking Packages Integrity

GEEKS!! Here comes the kiddos stuff to check your  Linux‬ machine against any ‪intrusion attempts by checking all the installed packages. All commands must be familiar with you as you had used these commands during your ‪RHCE… Continue reading

User Profiles

GEEKS !! Though you are doing ‎RHCE and had learned this during your Red Hat Linux Training. But, here are some points to remember regarding User Profiles on Linux Box: 1. User Profiles is the… Continue reading

Deep inside sysctl.conf

GEEKS !! There is no better way to start your Sunday with a little Linux. I was feeling lazy to record a video, so sharing it with text. Those who had done ‎rhce training or ‎rhcss… Continue reading