Tag Archive: rhcss

Strong Passwords Linux

GEEKS !!! Though you are generally not in a mood to study on Sunday’s. But here comes a very interesting tip. Tip to strengthen the password rules so to avoid “dictionary based attacks”… Continue reading

How I feel

Result of the RHCSA/RHCE Exam conducted on 13/04/2012

Result of the RHCSA/RHCE Exam conducted in Network NUTS on 13/04/2012. Congrats to ALL students.

Use netstat for view routing cache

You know, you can use netstat command to view the routing cache. Can be useful for diagnostic purpose. netstat -rnC Here is the screenshot from my machine.

Check httpd.conf for syntax errors

So you are finished editing your httpd.conf file. Before restarting or reloading your httpd service you might want to check the syntax of the httpd.conf for any errors.  Like we have “named-checkconf” in… Continue reading

Extended help for httpd.conf

Always use the extended help for httpd.  httpd -L  It will display all the httpd.conf directives and the places where they are valid. For a specific directive, it tells all the possible values… Continue reading

Use “stat” command to get information about file and filesystem

You know you have a “stat” command, that can be used either to check the status or properties of a single file or a entire filesystem. It displays file or file system status… Continue reading

Test apache without modifying original httpd.conf

What will you do if you want to try some new directives within the apache? Typically you’ll modify the original httpd.conf to try out different Apache directives. If something doesn’t work out, you… Continue reading

Change DocumentRoot without modifying httpd.conf

You can use a entirely different DocumentRoot for apache without actually modifying “httpd.conf”.  Copy of your original DocumentRoot directory (/var/www/html) to a new temporary DocumentRoot directory (/var/www/alok). Create whatever files you want.  STEP… Continue reading

CD Command Hack for auto-correction.

If you are not good at typing and make lot of mistakes. READ FURTHER. Use “shopt -s cdspell” to correct the typos in the cd command automatically.  Just type –  shopt -s cdspell… Continue reading