Monthly Archive: November, 2012

Process Accounting in Linux

GEEKS !! By using Process Accounting, you can log the completion of every single process running on your Linux machine. You have learned a lot about processes in your RHCE Training or RHCSS… Continue reading

Dstat Linux

GEEKS !!! Being a Linux sys admin. one of the main task is monitoring our Linux servers. Continually. We need to keep on checking the CPU usage, I/O, NIC, Memory etc. These are… Continue reading

Touch Command Linux

GEEKS !! Just review the touch command in linux. The command that you thought was not that much useful during your Red Hat Linux or RHCE Training. And do tell me where you… Continue reading

Vim Bookmarks

GEEKS !! Lets learn something about “bookmarks” in vim. You all are comfortable working with vim and used this wonderful editor for galore of purposes, umpteen times during your Red Hat Linux Training.… Continue reading

Video – Securing Postfix using FQDN or IP

Video by Network NUTS. Shows how you can secure your postfix MTA based on IP addresses or FQDN. This can be very useful if you want your postfix MTA to cater to certain… Continue reading

Yum reinstall

GEEKS if ever you had removed a configuration file of a package by mistake. Did you know that you can YUM command to reinstall that package? Though its a very simple command, but… Continue reading

Memory Usage under Linux

GEEKS !! Welcome back after a really long “Diwali” holiday. Lets start with something very interesting. Lets understand in depth the memory usage of process in Linux. I know .. I know you… Continue reading

Faster Ping

GEEKS !! What life without PING .. who knows better than a Linux Admin. Here is a very simple way to speed up your ping responses. Here is a illustrated example from my… Continue reading

Samba Permissions

GEEKS. I know you cannot forget samba, which you have learned during your Red Hat Linux Training under RHCE Curriculum. So lets re-collect some important points about samba and its permissions…. quickly. Always… Continue reading

SSH with Visual Host Key

GEEKS !! All of you have used SSH to a large extent during your Red Hat Linux Training or RHCE Training or RHCSS Training. You all know that when you connect to a… Continue reading