Monthly Archive: August, 2012

Playing Dangerous with sudo

So Geeks .. Time to play something “dangerous”. You all are familiar with the “sudo” command. It can used to delegate some commands to a normal or specific user. You just need to… Continue reading

Change Timezone in Linux using CLI

So here is Learning of the Day. How can you change your Linux (RHEL) machine timezone without using GUI tool. Check my screenshot and click “LIKE” when done. 🙂

Linux Fun Esc Escaped

Windows Vulnerability

Video on, IPTables-Nex Level

Ethtool Utility

You can use “ethtool” utility to view and even change your ethernet device parameters. A very handy and useful tool. Make sure you have “ethtool” installed on your machines before trying these commands.… Continue reading

ext2 vs ext3 vs ext4 file system

Food for the weekend. If you had ever installed RHEL 6 or attended RHCE Training you know that the filesystem is ext4. But if you have doubts regarding the differences between the different… Continue reading

Ubuntu Backup

If you are using Ubuntu as your desktop. Then I recommend using “sbackup” GUI tool for taking backup and doing restore very easily. Just install sbackup using: sudo apt-get install sbackup and once,… Continue reading

Yum Commands

Here comes “Tip of the Day” after three days. 🙂 You must be knowing that we were conducting RHCE training for STMicro Electronics. You all are familiar with “yum” and the benefits it… Continue reading

Chrome Trick

Try this google chrome trick. You know the address bar or URL bar (also called as Omnibox in Chrome) in the Chrome browser. You use it to enter some URL or keyword you… Continue reading